Nakshatra Garden’ is the spectacular evidence and an epitome in Research and Social outreach through traditional interventions in plant medicine and modern healthcare for sustainable Biotechnology and rural development. The exercise displayed is the novel approach for interpreting the code of Ayurveda with respect to herbal medicines for clinical pharmacological actions. Plants serve as mediators and antennae of message carriers for the twelve Rashis(Sun signs) and twenty-seven Nakshatras. The concept lays down the astronomical significance extrapolated and manifested in human health. The efforts conceptualized, conceived and extended by the Departments of Biotechnology and Botany of the College on 36 acres of land under the able guidance of Padma Vibhushan Shri. Sharadchandraji Pawar is dedicated for the very purpose with the approach of socio-natural health service by conserving plants.







Glimpses of Nakshatra Garden, Baramati








Glimpses of Sessions on creating Awareness amongst the people about the Environment

Flora and Fauna in the Nakshtra Garden